Friday, February 28, 2014

P90X3: 60 Day Results!

Can you believe It? Neither could I. I have lost 15 lbs. in 60 days and I have lost 15 1/2 inches. I love this fitness program! People keep asking me what I'm doing and I have to keep telling them that once a day for 30 minutes I workout with P90X3, I eat clean, and I drink shakeology. That's it! I feel myself pushing through more of the workouts being able to do more and more every time. I have more energy than I did before I started and overall I feel amazing.
This last 30 days, I did change some of my eating habits. The first 30 days, I had been eating turkey bacon and eggs for breakfast. The last 30 days, I have removed turkey bacon from my diet and added in boiled eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter!
My goal is to get in a two piece bikini and by golly I'm getting closer. I'm going to get in it!

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