Saturday, February 8, 2014

My "Rock Bottom" Moment

I’m a mother that has given my all to making both my kids and husband happy. It’s what women do. We feel guilty for taking time for ourselves afraid that it makes us look selfish or that we may miss something important. 

It was before Christmas and I finally couldn’t get my button snapped on my stretch jeans. I had to put on a pair of sweatpants to go to the store and buy a bigger size. My daughter was with me and for 30 minutes I would hold up a pair of jeans and say these look like they will fit and then I would go into the fitting room and find that they wouldn’t even go over my thighs. Each time I did this I broke a little more inside. Watching my daughter watch me each time. The last time I went out to get a pair of jeans and held them up, I looked at the jeans and thought to myself there is no way that these will fit me, they’ll be way too big! I went back into the fitting room and again put them on. I begin to sob. My daughter came over to comfort me, “asking me why I was sad, was it because I was too fat for my jeans”. I couldn’t answer her.  This is the moment that changed my life.

I had let myself go. Not caring what I fueled my body with. Exercising every now and then, but not making it a priority. I want to be a better example for both of my kids. I wasn’t happy with myself.  I didn’t feel confident. I barely had the energy to get up and fix my kids supper each night. I had to make some changes.

I’ve started doing P90X3 and drinking my Shakeology in a challenge group and my life has changed. I’m a work in progress, slow progress, but I can feel my body changing and getting stronger every day.  I want this for all of you. I am starting a challenge group on February 24, 2014. If you would like to join, send me a message.

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