About Me

I recently entered my thirties and I wasn't happy with most parts of my life. I was the biggest I had ever been, I was content in my job, my eating was horrible. I didn't have any energy ever and I was always tired. As soon as I got home I would go straight to the couch and sit there until it was time to go to bed. It wasn't until I went to put on my pair of jeans and I couldn't button them that I decided to change my life.

I had always told myself that if I got to a certain weight that I would do whatever I had to, to get down to my goal weight. What I meant was that I would be wiling to starve myself, take diet pills that were full of chemicals, and potions to give me that quick fix. There were a lot of them that allowed me to lose the weight and there were even some of them that worked fanastic, but they didn't deal with how I got that big in the first place. So I would do all this stuff and lose the weight and then I would stop doing what I was doing and go back to what I was doing and GUESS WHAT? I gained all my weight back. I had been doing that for almost 6 years and this time I had my breaking point.

One of my Facebook friends was holding a challenge group with P90X3. It was advertised for 30 minutes a day and you were required to drink shakeology everyday. I had seen her results so I decided, "why not me" and then I ordered it and I have really embraced it. I've learned how to cook really good healthy food. I've learned how to incorporate a meal plan into my busy life and make it work for me. I've learned to incorporate my workouts in as well.

I feel so much better now. I have the energy to keep up with my kids. I am feeding my kids healthy food. I can't believe the transformation that my body has gone through. Can't wait to keep going.
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