Thursday, May 29, 2014

What is Clean Eating

What is it? 
Clean Eating is based on removed all processed foods from your diet. The diet consists of eating mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

How it works:
Follow the eat clean principles as listed below.

What to do:
  • Eat more- eat six small meals each day.
  • Eat breakfast every day, within an hour of rising.
  • Eat a combination of lean protein and complex carbs at each meal
  • Eat sufficient (two to three servings) healthy fats every day. Example: Avacados
  • Carry a cooler packed with clean foods each day.
  • Depend on fresh fruits and vegetables for fiber, vitamins, nutrients and enzymes.
  • Adhere to proper portion sizes. See image below.

What to Avoid:
  • All over-processed foods. Example: white flour and sugar.
  • All chemically charge foods.
  • Any foods containing preservatives.
  • Artificial sugars.
  • Artificial foods Example: cheese slices.
  • No saturated and trans fats.
  • Avoid sugar loaded beverages. Example: Soda or juice.
  • Limit Alcohol intake.

Complex Carbohydrates from Fruit and Vegetables:
6 portions each day. A portion is:
  • 1 cup or a handful or a piece of fruit such as berries, grapefruit, melon, apples and mangoes.
  • 2 cup or a handful of vegetables including broth based/vegetable puree soups.

Complex Carbohydrates from whole grains and starchy carbohydrates:
2-4 portions each day. A portion is:
1 scant handful of high-protein, sugar-free cold cereals. Example: granola.
1 cup of cooked cereal
1 piece of whole grain bread or wrap
1 handful sized serving of sweet potato, yam, banana, corn, carrots or squash

Lean Protein
6 portions each day. A portion is:
  • 1 cup or handful of dairy products. Example: low fat soy, almond, rice, or skim milk, cottage cheese, yogurt or plain fat free sugar free yogurt.
  • 1 handful of raw, unsalted nuts (also a healthy fat)
  • 2 tablespoons of all natural nut butters such as almond or peanut butter (also a healthy fat).
  • 1 palm sized portion of lean meats
Sweeteners: Use in moderation.
  • Agave Nectar
  • Maple Sugar Flakes
  • Raw Honey
  • 2-3 liters per day of fresh water with no sodium
  • Clear herbal tea (unsweetened)
  • Black coffee in moderation
  • Green/Black tea

Monday, May 5, 2014

P90X3 90 Day Results!!!!!

Completing P90X3 meant a lot more to me than just the results I received. I lost over 20 lbs, I lost over 25 inches, but the fact that I finished this program has completely changed my life!

I used to look at losing weight as a destination. Once I hit my goal I would go back to my normal habits. Using P90X3, participating in a challenge group, it allowed me to see that others fail on a daily basis but they see the journey in the process. Just because you fail one day does not mean you give up. You shake yourself off and get back up and keep going. I've learned how to eat clean and incorporate the different foods into my meal plans. My children are slowly getting to like the clean eating food better and asking for it more.

When I started this program, I was skeptical that I would get these kinds of results with only 30 minutes a day. People keep asking me what I am doing and I have to keep telling them all I do is workout and eat clean and drink shakeology. That's it! As a mother of two, I am still self conscience about my body, but I know one day I won't be. I know I still have a bit to go, but I'm not giving up on myself. Are you ready to make a change? The first step is the hardest!