Monday, April 27, 2015

Falling off the wagon..and brushing yourself off

Let's face it when we start a fitness program we don't expect to fail, we work hard and do everything that we are supposed to do. We go to the grocery store and get all the right foods, we get a gym membership or a new program to try until we don't.

They say that 21 days you can create a habit, but I don't believe that. I have worked out 21 days in a row and then I miss a day and then two and then pretty soon a week goes by and I know when I go back to my routine I will be sore and barely able to walk.

What separates people from being quitters and people who fall down and brush themselves off and keep going?

There are a few things I think that keep people going.

  1. Knowing your "why"
    1. I say this because when you are tempted with a piece of cake and a baggie of carrots your "why" will help you make the right choice. It will keep you on course.
  2. Accountability group (People who believe in you)
    1. If you have people who have the same goal as you, you are more likely to keep going. From day 1 I have been part of a challenge group, I won't lie I have had days where I don't do so good, I have had weeks where I don't workout, but I know I have a group of ladies who are always there for me and keep me motivated.

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